____QUESTS $VASHJ'IR ***Weapon - Bear/Cat - 4/1. Mobus’s Vile Halberd, Vashj’ir World Boss. (188.60/245.38) $DEEPHOLME Ring - Bear/Cat - 15/13. Worldbinder Signet, Deepholm Q. (82.14/35.80) $TWILIGHT HIGHLANDS Head - Bear/Cat - 5/6. Dunwald Winged Helm/Shocktrooper Hood, Twilight Highlands Q. (403.66/74.88) Legs - Bear/Cat - 4. Garona’s/Shaw’s Finest Leggings, Twilight Highlands Q. (422.00/71.82) Legs - Bear/Cat - 6/5. Crushchest/Spear-Impaled Leggings, Twilight Highlands Q. (390.98/63.96) Trinket - Cat - 10. Camp-Cleaner Chestguard/Riverproof Chestguard, Twilight Highlands Q. (63.90) Trinket - Cat - 15. Blood-Soaked Ale Mug/Juju of Nimbleness, Twilight Highlands Q. Neck - Cat - 8. Pendant of Victorious Fury, Twilight Highlands Q. (58.42) Shoulders - Bear/Cat - 5/6. Aledrinker Shoulderpads/Cult-Hide Spaulders, Twilight Highlands Q. (318.28/46.18) Ring - Bear/Cat - 16/14. Ring of Rebellion/Signet of Bloody Sands, Twilight Highlands Q. (78.11/35.61) Cloak - Cat - 10. Drape of Lost Valuables/Smoot’s Shredded Smock, Twilight Highlands Q. (36.27) Relic - Bear?Cat - 4. Exhausted Flashgrowth Mote, Twilight Highlands Q. $ULDUM Head - Bear/Cat - 6/7. Chain Reaction Hood, Uldum Q. (390.34/68.40) Trinket - Cat - 13. Schnotzz’s Medallion of Command, Uldum Q. Cloak - Cat - 9. Drape of Neferset Destruction, Uldum Q. (37.76) ____CRAFTED $LEATHERWORKING ***Chest - Bear/Cat - 1/1. Assassin’s Chestplate, Leatherworking BoE. (91.08) ***Belt - Bear/Cat - 1/1. Belt of Nefarious Whispers, Leatherworking BoE. (337.73/69.11) Head - Cat - 8. Bloodied Leather Helm, Leatherworking BoE. (63.18) Legs - Cat - 6. Bloodied Leather Legs, Leatherworking BoE. (63.93) Shoulders - Cat - 5. Bloodied Leather Shoulders, Leatherworking BoE. (48.25) Boots - Cat - 6. Bloodied Leather Boots, Leatherworking BoE. (50.94) Cloak - Cat - 5/6. Razor-Edged Cloak, Leatherworking BoE. (217.04/45.90) Cloak - Bear/Cat - 8. Cloak of Beasts, Leatherworking BoE. (202.22/40.42) $JEWELCRAFTING ***Neck - Bear/Cat - 2/1. Brazen Elementium Medallion, Jewelcrafting BoE. (113.97/69.16) ***Neck - Bear/Cat - 1/2. Entwined Elementium Choker, Jewelcrafting BoE. (115.25/68.02) ***Ring - Bear/Cat - 2/3. Elementium Destroyer’s Ring, Jewelcrafting BoE. (118.47/49.91) Ring - Bear/Cat - 3/5. Band of Blades, Jewelcrafting BoE. (114.59/46.65) $INSCRIPTION ***Trinket - Cat - 2. Darkmoon Card: Hurricane(agi), Inscription BoE ____REPUTATION $THERAZANE Ring - Bear/Cat - 6/7. Terrath’s Signet of Balance, Therazane Revered. (105.52/46.43) $HYJAL Chest - Bear/Cat - 6/6. Sly Fox Jerkin, Honored Guardians of Hyjal. (79.31) Neck - Cat - 4. Acorn of the Daughter Tree, Guardians of Hyjal Revered. (66.18) $WILDHAMMER ***Gloves - Bear/Cat - 1/1. Liar’s Handwraps/Stormbolt Gloves, Dragonmaw/Wildhammer Exalted. (366.40/72.23) $BARADIN Trinket - Cat - 3. Unsolvable Riddle, Baradin/Hellscream Exalted. $RAMKAHEN Belt - Bear/Cat - 3/4. Quicksand Belt, Ramkahen Revered. (321.30/63.53) $EARTHEN RING ***Ring - Bear/Cat - 1/1. Signet of the Elder Council, Earthen Ring Revered. (118.72/53.19) Cloak - Bear/Cat - 8/5. Sotftwind Cape, Earthen Ring Revered. (221.51/45.97) $WILDHEART Legs - Bear/Cat - 3/3. Leggings of the Impenitent/Swiftflight Leggings, Dragonmaw/Wildheart Honored. (443.03/78.86) ____JUSTICE POINTS ***Shoulders - Bear/Cat - 1/3. Embrace of the Night, 1650 JP. (376.90/63.47) ***Legs - Bear/Cat - 1/1. Leggings of the Burrowing Mole, 2200 JP. (477.76/89.23) Gloves - Bear/Cat - 3/2. Sticky Fingers, 1650 JP. (339.60/65.57) Head - Bear/Cat - 2/2. Mask of Vines, 2200 JP. (446.12/81.75) Chest - Bear/Cat - 5/5. Tunic of Sinking Envy, 2200 JP. (87.02) Belt - Bear/Cat - 2/2. Sash of Musing, 1650 JP. (64.93) Neck - Cat - 5. Amulet of Dull Dreaming, 1250 JP. (66.18) ____Normals $GRIM BATOL Head - Bear/Cat - 3/4. Helm of Secret Knowledge, N Grim Batol. (413.70/69.62) Chest - Bear/Cat - 8/8. Vest of Misshapen Hides, N Grim Batol. (74.32) Trinket - Cat - 10. Skardyn’s Grace , N Grim Batol.. Ring - Bear/Cat - 13/12. Mirage Ring, N Grim Batol. (90.00/39.95) $HALLS OF ORIGINATION Chest - Bear/Cat - 7/7. Hieroglyphic Vest, N Halls of Origination. (78.87) Trinket - Cat - 11. Left Eye of Rajh, N Halls of Origination. Belt - Bear/Cat - 6/6. Red Beam Cord, N Halls of Origination. (54.75) Boots - Bear/Cat - 5/5. Boots of the Hard Way, N Halls of Origination QR. (321.74/54.26) Ring - Bear/Cat - 11/11. Ring of Blinding Stars, N Halls of Origination. (93.14/41.77) Wrists - Bear/Cat - 3/3. Poison Fang Bracers, N Halls of Origination. (217.13/40.87) Boots - Bear/Cat - 5/8. Boots of the Hard way - Halls of Origination Q. $LOST CITY Trinket - Cat - 4. Tia’s Grace, N Lost City. Shoulders - Bear/Cat - 4/4. Clandestine Spaulders, N Lost City Q Reward.. (339.49/54.25) Boots - Bear/Cat - 4/4. Crafty’s Gaiters, N Lost City. (324.17/55.71) Cloak - Bear/Cat - 10/7. Kaleki Cloak, N Lost City. (202.22/40.87) $STONECORE Trinket - Bear/Cat - 3/14. Key to the Endless Chamber, N Stonecore. Neck - Cat - 10. Pendant of the Lightless Grotto, N Stonecore. (49.83) ____Heroics $GRIM BATOL Chest - Bear/Cat - 3/3. Vest of Misshapen Hides, H Grim Batol. (89.31) Trinket - Cat - 6. Skardyn’s Grace H Grim Batol. Ring - Bear/Cat - 8/10. Ring of Dun Algaz, H Grim Batol. (103.25/45.01) $HALLS OF ORIGINATION Chest - Bear/Cat - 4/4. Hieroglyphic Vest, H Halls of Origination. (88.37) Ring - Bear/Cat - 7/4. Ring of Blinding Stars, H Halls of Origination. (104.70/47.00) Wrists - Bear/Cat - 2/2. Poison Fang Bracers. H Halls of Origination. (231.01/45.97) Trinket - Cat - 8. Left Eye of Rajh, H Halls of Origination. Belt - Bers/Cat - 4/3. Red Beam Cord, H Halls of Origination. (318.75/64.50) Neck - Cat - 7. Mouth of the Earth, H Halls of Origination. (63.58) $LOST CITY ***Trinket - Cat - 1. Tia’s Grace, H Lost City. ***Boots - Bear/Cat - 1/1. Crafty’s Gaiters, H Lost City. (358.79/65.57) Cloak - Bear/Cat - 5/3. Kaleki Cloak, H Lost City. (215.45/46.01) Ring - Bear/Cat - 10/9. Mirage Ring, H Lost City. (101.33/45.37) $STONECORE ***Trinket - Bear/Cat - 1/7. Key to the Endless Chamber, H Stonecore. ***Head - Bear/Cat - 1/3. Helm of Numberless Shadows, H Stonecore. (447.75/80.57) Neck - Cat - 3. Pendant of the Lightless Grotto, H Stonecore. (66.83) $SHADOWFANG KEEP ***Wrists - Bear/Cat - 1/1. Double Dealing Bracers, H Shadowfang Keep. (237.62/46.64) ***Relic - Cat - 1. Relic of Arathor, H Shadowfang Keep. Shoulders - Bear/Cat - 2/2. Thieving Spaulders, H Shadowfang Keep. (374.75/64.50) Boots - Bear/Cat - 3/3. Boots of the Predator, H Shadowfang Keep. (356.69/63.47) $DEADMINES ***Cloak - Bear/Cat - 4/1. Cloak of Thredd, H Deadmines. (217.22/46.64) Chest - Bear/Cat - 2/2. Defias Brotherhood Vest, H Deadmines. (89.69) Boots - Bear/Cat - 2/2. VanCleef’s Boots, H Deadmines. (358.26/65.44) Cloak - Bear/Cat - 7/4. Cape of the Brotherhood, H Deadmines. (211.51/45.97) $BLACKROCK CAVERNS Legs - Bear/Cat - 2/2. Beauty’s Chew Toy, H Blackrock Caverns. (469.44/88.09) Ring - Bear/Cat - 5/6. Skullcracker Ring, H Blackrock Caverns. (106.65/46.64) Cloak - Bear/Cat - 6/2. Twitching Shadows, H Blackrock Caverns. (213.38/46.18) Relic - Cat - 2. Sandshift Relic, H Blackrock Caverns. Trinket - Cat - 5. Grace of the Herald, H Blackrock Caverns. $THRONE OF THE TIDES ***Shoulders - Bear/Cat - 3/1. Caridean Epaulettes, H Throne of the Tides. (374.46/64.84) Neck - Cat - 6. Barnacle Pendant, H Throne of the Tides BoE. (64.36) $VORTEX PINNAL Gloves - Bear/Cat - 2/3. Gloves of Haze, H Vortex Pinnacle. (342.50/64.96) BEAR http://www.wowhead.com/items?filter=sl=17;maxle=500;ub=11;cr=23:79;crs=3:3;crv=0:0;gm=3;rf=1;wt=22:41:21:45:109:170:20:117:96:77:119:115:103;wtv=50.69:35.77:28.51:21.69:10.9:9.49:7.76:6.35:6.33:3.88:3.19:2.13:0.94 Weapon 1. Elementium Poleaxe - Blacksmithing - (192.12) 2. Seliza's Spear - General Husam - Lost City of the Tol'vir (H) (191.32) 3. Darkling Staff - High Priestess Azil - The Stonecore (H)(190.08) _______ -->4.Mobus's Vile Halberd - qUEST - (188.60) 5.Berto's Staff - Heroic ? (185.22) Head 1. Helm of Numberless Shadows, H Stonecore. (447.75) 2. Mask of Vines, 2200 JP. (446.12) —————————— 3. Helm of Secret Knowledge, N Grim Batol. (413.70) 4. Hood of the Crying Rogue, N Halls of Origination. (413.70) —————————— 5. Dunwald Winged Helm/Shocktrooper Hood, Twilight Highlands Q. (403.66) —————————— 6. Chain Reaction Hood, Uldum Q. (390.34) 7.Helm of Numberless Shadows -High Priestess Azil - The Stonecore (N) 369.25 @10 Legs -->1. Leggings of the Burrowing Mole, 2200 JP. (477.76) 2. Beauty’s Chew Toy, H Blackrock Caverns. (469.44) —————————— 3. Leggings of the Impenitent/Swiftflight Leggings, Dragonmaw/Wildheart Honored. (443.03) —————————— 4. Garona’s/Shaw’s Finest Leggings, Twilight Highlands Q. (422.00) —————————— 5. Leggins of Fragmented Hope - Deepholme Q. (393.02) 6. Crushchest/Spear-Impaled Leggings, Twilight Highlands Q. (390.98) @T10 Chest 1. Assassin’s Chestplate, Leatherworking BoE. (91.08) -->2. Defias Brotherhood Vest, H Deadmines. (89.69) 3. Vest of Misshapen Hides, H Grim Batol. (89.31) 4. Hieroglyphic Vest, H Halls of Origination. (88.37) 5. Tunic of Sinking Envy, 2200 JP. (87.02) —————————— 6. Sly Fox Jerkin, Honored Guardians of Hyjal. (79.31) 7. Hieroglyphic Vest, N Halls of Origination. (78.87) 8. Vest of Misshapen Hides, N Grim Batol. (74.32) @T10 Trinkets 1. Key to the Endless Chamber, H Stonecore. 2. Leaden Despair, H Stonecore 3. Key to the Endless Chamber, N Stonecore. 4. Leaden Despair, N Stonecore Hands -->1. Liar’s Handwraps/Stormbolt Gloves, Dragonmaw/Wildhammer Exalted. (366.40) —————————— 2. Gloves of Haze, H Vortex Pinnacle. (342.50) 3. Sticky Fingers, 1650 JP. (339.60) —————————— 4. Safecracker’s Gloves/Thartuk’s Inimitable Gauntlets, BoE TBD. (296.15) Waist 1. Belt of Nefarious Whispers, Leatherworking BoE. 337.73) —————————— 2. Sash of Musing, 1650 JP. (323.17) 3. Quicksand Belt, Ramkahen Revered. (321.30) 4. Red Beam Cord, H Halls of Origination. (318.75) 5. Belt of a Thousand Mouths, TBD. (306.21) —————————— 6. Red Beam Cord, N Halls of Origination. (54.75) @T10 Neck 1. Entwined Elementium Choker, Jewelcrafting BoE. (115.25) 2. Brazen Elementium Medallion, Jewelcrafting BoE. (113.97) Shoulders 1. Embrace of the Night, 1650 JP. (376.90) 2. Thieving Spaulders, H Shadowfang Keep. (374.75) 3. Caridean Epaulettes, H Throne of the Tides. (374.46) —————————— 4. Clandestine Spaulders, N Lost City Q Reward.. (339.49) —————————— 5. Aledrinker Shoulderpads/Cult-Hide Spaulders, Twilight Highlands Q. (318.28) Feet 1. Crafty’s Gaiters, H Lost City. (358.79) 2. VanCleef’s Boots, H Deadmines. (358.26) 3. Boots of the Predator, H Shadowfang Keep. (356.69) —————————— 4. Crafty’s Gaiters, N Lost City. (324.17) 5. Boots of the Hard Way, N Halls of Origination QR. (321.74) @T10 Rings 1. Signet of the Elder Council, Earthen Ring Revered. (118.72) 2. Elementium Destroyer’s Ring, Jewelcrafting BoE. (118.47) 3. Band of Blades, Jewelcrafting BoE. (114.59) _____ 4. DEVIUMS ETERNALLY COLD RING (108.14) 5. Skullcracker Ring, H Blackrock Caverns. (106.65) 6. Terrath’s Signet of Balance, Therazane Revered. (105.52) 7. Ring of Blinding Stars, H Halls of Origination. (104.70) 8. Ring of Dun Algaz, H Grim Batol. (103.25) 9. Nautilus Ring, H Throne of the Tides (102.81) 10. Mirage Ring, H Lost City. (101.33) ______ 11. Ring of Blinding Stars, N Halls of Origination. (93.14) 12. Ring of Dun Algaz, N Grim Batol (91.68) 13. Mirage Ring, N Grim Batol. (90.00) 14.LOOP OF THE TWIN VAL'KYR (86.61) 15. Worldbinder Signet, Deepholm Q. (82.14) 16. Ring of Rebellion/Signet of Bloody Sands, Twilight Highlands Q. (78.11) Back 1. Wrap of the Great Turtle, Hyjal Exalted (225.38) 2. Twilight Dragonscale Cloak - Boe Leatherworking (222.82) ______ 3. Floating Web - 1250 JP (219.08) 4. Cloak of Thredd, H Deadmines. (217.22) 5. Razor-Edged Cloak, Leatherworking BoE. (217.04) 5. Kaleki Cloak, H Lost City. (215.45) 6. Twitching Shadows, H Blackrock Caverns. (213.38) 7. Cape of the Brotherhood, H Deadmines. (211.51) 8. Sotftwind Cape, Earthen Ring Revered. (211.51) ______ 9. Cloak of Beasts, Leatherworking BoE. (202.22) 10. Kaleki Cloak, N Lost City. (202.22) Wrists 1. Double Dealing Bracers, H Shadowfang Keep. (237.62) 2. Poison Fang Bracers. H Halls of Origination. (231.91) —————————— 3. Poison Fang Bracers, N Halls of Origination. (217.13) Idol Relic 1. Relic of Arathor, H Shadowfang Keep. 2. Sandshift Relic, H Blackrock Caverns. 3. Silver Inlaid Leaf, Inscription-only BoP. ————— 4. Exhausted Flashgrowth Mote, Twilight Highlands Q. CAT http://www.wowhead.com/items?filter=sl=17;maxle=500;ub=11;cr=23:79;crs=3:3;crv=0:0;gm=3;rf=1;wt=134:21:20:77:170:103:96:119:117;wtv=3.88:2.57:2:0.96:0.91:0.82:0.75:0.71:0.71;gb=1 Weapon --> 1. Mobus’s Vile Halberd, Vashj’ir World Boss. (245.38) 2. Elementium Poleaxe, Blacksmithing BoE. (244.90) 3. Darkling Staff, H Stonecore. (244.53) 4. Berto’s Staff, H Blackrock Caverns. (244.07) 5. Seliza’s Spear, H Lost City. (243.95) 6. Spear/Spear of Trailing Shadows, Hellscream/Baradin Revered. (243.71) —————————— 7. Wild Hammer, H Grim Batol. (232.61) 8. Foe Reaper, H Deadmines. (229.10) —————————— 9. Staff of Draconic Pacification/Torth-Slayer’s Staff, Twilight Highlands Q. (217.24) 10. Staff of Old Woes, TBD. (216.20) 11. Seliza’s Spear, N Lost City. (216.18) —————————— 12. Sorrow’s End, TBD. (206.01) 13. Wild Hammer, N Grim Batol. (206.01) —————————— 14. Blacksoul Polearm, Deepholm Q. (189.06) 15. Obsidium Bladespear, Blacksmithing BoE. (185.84) 16. Sand Tracker’s Spear, TBD. (185.69) 17. Darkling Staff, N Stonecore. (185.08) —————————— 18. Orsis Polearm, Uldum Q. (177.14 Head 1. Agile Bio-Optic Killshades, Engineering-only BoP. (~100) —————————— --> 2. Mask of Vines, 2200 JP. (81.75) 3. Helm of Numberless Shadows, H Stonecore. (80.57) —————————— 4. Helm of Secret Knowledge, N Grim Batol. (69.62) 5. Hood of the Crying Rogue, TBD. (69.62) —————————— 6. Dunwald Winged Helm/Shocktrooper Hood, Twilight Highlands Q. (74.88) 7. Chain Reaction Hood, Uldum Q. (68.40) 8. Bloodied Leather Helm, Leatherworking BoE. (63.18) @10 Legs -->1. Leggings of the Burrowing Mole, 2200 JP. (89.23) 2. Beauty’s Chew Toy, H Blackrock Caverns. (88.09) —————————— 3. Leggings of the Impenitent/Swiftflight Leggings, Dragonmaw/Wildheart Honored. (78.86) —————————— 4. Garona’s/Shaw’s Finest Leggings, Twilight Highlands Q. (71.82) —————————— 5. Crushchest/Spear-Impaled Leggings, Twilight Highlands Q. (63.96) @T10 Chest 1. Assassin’s Chestplate, Leatherworking BoE. (91.08) -->2. Defias Brotherhood Vest, H Deadmines. (89.69) 3. Vest of Misshapen Hides, H Grim Batol. (89.31) 4. Hieroglyphic Vest, H Halls of Origination. (88.37) 5. Tunic of Sinking Envy, 2200 JP. (87.02) —————————— 6. Sly Fox Jerkin, Honored Guardians of Hyjal. (79.31) 7. Hieroglyphic Vest, N Halls of Origination. (78.87) 8. Vest of Misshapen Hides, N Grim Batol. (74.32) @T10 Trinkets 1. Tia’s Grace, H Lost City. —————————— 2. Darkmoon Card: Hurricane(agi), Inscription BoE. 3. Unsolvable Riddle, Baradin/Hellscream Exalted. 4. Tia’s Grace, N Lost City. —————————— 5. Grace of the Herald, H Blackrock Caverns. 6. Skardyn’s Grace H Grim Batol. 7. Key to the Endless Chamber, H Stonecore. 8. Left Eye of Rajh, H Halls of Origination. —————————— 9. Figurine – Demon Panther, Jewelcrafting-only BoP. 10. Skardyn’s Grace , N Grim Batol. 11. Left Eye of Rajh, N Halls of Origination. —————————— 12. Heart of the Vile, TBD. 13. Schnotzz’s Medallion of Command, Uldum Q. —————————— 14. Key to the Endless Chamber, N Stonecore. 15. Blood-Soaked Ale Mug/Juju of Nimbleness, Twilight Highlands Q. Hands -->1. Liar’s Handwraps/Stormbolt Gloves, Dragonmaw/Wildhammer Exalted. (72.23) —————————— 2. Sticky Fingers, 1650 JP. (65.57) 3. Gloves of Haze, H Vortex Pinnacle. (64.96) —————————— 4. Safecracker’s Gloves/Thartuk’s Inimitable Gauntlets, BoE TBD. (51.32) Waist 1. Belt of Nefarious Whispers, Leatherworking BoE. (69.11) —————————— 2. Sash of Musing, 1650 JP. (64.93) 3. Red Beam Cord, H Halls of Origination. (64.50) 4. Quicksand Belt, Ramkahen Revered. (63.53) 5. Belt of a Thousand Mouths, TBD. (61.86) —————————— 6. Red Beam Cord, N Halls of Origination. (54.75) @T10 Neck 1. Brazen Elementium Medallion, Jewelcrafting BoE. (69.16) 2. Entwined Elementium Choker, Jewelcrafting BoE. (68.02) 3. Pendant of the Lightless Grotto, H Stonecore. (66.83) 4. Acorn of the Daughter Tree, Guardians of Hyjal Revered. (66.18) 5. Amulet of Dull Dreaming, 1250 JP. (66.18) —————————— 6. Barnacle Pendant, H Throne of the Tides BoE. (64.36) 7. Mouth of the Earth, H Halls of Origination. (63.58) —————————— 8. Pendant of Victorious Fury, Twilight Highlands Q. (58.42) 9. Nightrend Choker, Guardians of Hyjal Revered. (58.42) (probably bugged) —————————— 10. Pendant of the Lightless Grotto, N Stonecore. (49.83) Shoulders 1. Caridean Epaulettes, H Throne of the Tides. (64.84) 2. Thieving Spaulders, H Shadowfang Keep. (64.50) 3. Embrace of the Night, 1650 JP. (63.47) —————————— 4. Clandestine Spaulders, N Lost City Q Reward.. (54.25) —————————— 5. Bloodied Leather Shoulders, Leatherworking BoE. (48.25) 6. Aledrinker Shoulderpads/Cult-Hide Spaulders, Twilight Highlands Q. (46.18) Feet 1. Crafty’s Gaiters, H Lost City. (65.57) 2. VanCleef’s Boots, H Deadmines. (65.44) 3. Boots of the Predator, H Shadowfang Keep. (63.47) —————————— 4. Crafty’s Gaiters, N Lost City. (55.71) 5. Boots of the Hard Way, N Halls of Origination QR. (54.26) —————————— 6. Bloodied Leather Boots, Leatherworking BoE. (50.94) 8. Boots of the Hard way - Halls of Origination Q. @T10 Rings 1. Signet of the Elder Council, Earthen Ring Revered. (53.19) 2. —————————— 3. Elementium Destroyer’s Ring, Jewelcrafting BoE. (49.91) 4. Ring of Blinding Stars, H Halls of Origination. (47.00) 5. Band of Blades, Jewelcrafting BoE. (46.65) 6. Skullcracker Ring, H Blackrock Caverns. (46.64) 7. Terrath’s Signet of Balance, Therazane Revered. (46.43) 8. Nautilus Ring, TBD (46.18) 9. Mirage Ring, H Lost City. (45.37) 10. Ring of Dun Algaz, H Grim Batol. (45.01) —————————— 11. Ring of Blinding Stars, N Halls of Origination. (41.77) 12. Mirage Ring, N Grim Batol. (39.95) —————————— 13. Worldbinder Signet, Deepholm Q. (35.80) 14. Ring of Rebellion/Signet of Bloody Sands, Twilight Highlands Q. (35.61) Back 1. Cloak of Thredd, H Deadmines. (46.64) 2. Twitching Shadows, H Blackrock Caverns. (46.18) 3. Kaleki Cloak, H Lost City. (46.01) 4. Cape of the Brotherhood, H Deadmines. (45.97) 5. Sotftwind Cape, Earthen Ring Revered. (45.97) 6. Razor-Edged Cloak, Leatherworking BoE. (45.90) —————————— 7. Kaleki Cloak, N Lost City. (40.87) 8. Cloak of Beasts, Leatherworking BoE. (40.42) 9. Drape of Neferset Destruction, Uldum Q. (37.76) 10. Drape of Lost Valuables/Smoot’s Shredded Smock, Twilight Highlands Q. (36.27) Wrists 1. Double Dealing Bracers, H Shadowfang Keep. (46.64) 2. Poison Fang Bracers. H Halls of Origination. (45.97) —————————— 3. Poison Fang Bracers, N Halls of Origination. (40.87) Idol Relic 1. Relic of Arathor, H Shadowfang Keep. 2. Sandshift Relic, H Blackrock Caverns. 3. Silver Inlaid Leaf, Inscription-only BoP. ————— 4. Exhausted Flashgrowth Mote, Twilight Highlands Q. Relative Stat Values at 85 (25M raid): DPS: 3.88 Agi: 2.57 Str: 2.00 AP: .96 Mastery: .91 Haste: .82 Crit: .75 Exp: .71 Hit: .71